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Showing posts from July, 2016

Wonderful New Clients

Guys! I could NOT have had a better meeting with my first non-friends-and-family clients. Have you ever had one of those moments where it seems like a giant door is open and there's neon blinking around it? Anita and Jon created a moment just like that during our visit. Their open hearts toward each other make their hearts open for others, too. I felt like an old friend immediately and I COULD NOT BE HAPPIER to be marrying these beautiful people to one another. Who knew it was possible to love people you just met? It really is. I'm creating a special service just for them, with lots of their input and guidance. Can't wait to be a tiny part of making their dreams come true! This couple knows how to express love, and it's a marvelous thing to see. Thank you, Anita and Jon. You are meant for each other.